All Opportunities

Scholarships are also referred to as Opportunities. Below is a list of the BCC Foundation Scholarships totaling more than $300,000. All you need to do is complete the general application and submit it. The system will automatically match you to scholarships. Based on your answers you may be eligible for additional BCC Foundation scholarships. Check your e-mail often as you may be invited to answer a few more questions to be considered for more scholarships.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,505.00 Thomas and Carol McCann Scholarship
The Thomas and Carol McCann Scholarship is intended to assist promising...
$2,025.00 Thomas C. and Anne Everest Wojtkowski Scholarship
The Thomas C. and Anne Everest Wojtkowski Scholarship is awarded...
$795.00 Thomas J. Curley, Sr. & Patricia Lynch Curley Scholarship
The Thomas J. Curley, Sr. and Patricia Lynch Curley Scholarship is...
Varies Thomas P. Clement and Wonsook Kim Scholarship
Thomas P. Clement and Wonsook Kim Scholarships are awarded to students...
$890.00 Vincent E. and Claire B. Walsh Scholarship
The Vincent E. and Claire B. Walsh Scholarship is intended to assist...
$865.00 Viniar Honors Scholarship
The Viniar Honors Scholarship is awarded to a promising honors student...
$1,480.00 Votaw Fund Scholarship
The Votaw Fund Scholarship is intended to assist promising students with...
$285.00 William and Elsie Sides Scholarship
The William and Elsie Sides Scholarship is intended for either a...
$595.00 William B. and Marilyn C. Kirby Scholarship
The William B. and Marilyn C. Kirby Scholarship is intended to assist...
Varies Zelma and Herbert Krasnow Scholarship
The Zelma and Herbert Krasnow Scholarship is intended to assist...
Varies Zoa Pratt Campetti Scholarship
The Zoa Pratt Campetti Scholarship is intended to assist students who...
varies Zonta Scholarship
The Zonta Scholarship is awarded to promising female students with...
Varies BCC Foundation Emergency Funding
Berkshire Community College Foundation Emergency Funding is provided...
Varies Neighbor-to-Neighbor Grant
Made possible with a grant from the Berkshire Taconic Community...
Varies The Ruth and Robert White Scholarship
The Ruth and Robert White Scholarship is awarded to promising students...